Confronting the hostility of her landlord and the distrust of the local villagers, however, she gives in to an unsettling sexual proposal from her neighbor, Andreas. In the film, Natalia, 30, moves from the big city to a rustic derelict house in a hamlet, La Escapa, buried in the countryside. It has been translated into 18 languages. A fiction study of emotional dependence in which Mesa returns to the themes of power and subjugation which thread much of her work, “Un Amor” was selected by Spanish newspaper El Pais as Spain’s 2020 book of the year. In this high-tech contemporary telling, Ethan Hawke stars as the young brooding heir to the Denmark Corporation, out to avenge the murder of his powerful CEO father.Written by Spanish novelist and short-story writer Laura Ferrero (“What Are You Going To Do With the Rest of Your Life,” “Empty Pools”) and Coixet, “Un Amor” is based on an admired novel by Sara Mesa. This is arguably the definitive film version of Hamlet. In this 4+ hour rendering, Kenneth Branagh presents the complete Shakespearean text of the play, and stages the action within a 19th-century setting. The director takes some license in the telling, adhering less strictly to Shakespeare's original text, but at just 2 hours and 15 minutes, this version provides a short and passionate interpretation of the play. This early film version won four Oscars, including Best Picture and Best Actor awards for Laurence Olivier in the title role.